Give An Open, Clean Feeling to a Room with Mirrors

Reflective Art with MirrorsLately, our hottest accessory item has been the mirror. Mirrors are the absolute best way to mix up your wall décor. They offer reflectivity and give an open, clean feeling to a room. Use a pretty mirror in a room that doesn’t have as many windows as you’d like. Use it as a focal point, like over the fireplace or over the bed. Mirrors also look amazing in groups. Hang them on a large wall as part of a collage, complete with small canvases, plates, wall sconces, or framed photos. With an unlimited number of shapes, sizes, and frame options, you’re bound to find just the perfect mirror for any space in your home!

Call or stop by Mizell Floor Covering and Interiors for more information about our mirror selection.

Check Out Our Selection of Mirrors

Your installers could not have been any nicer and they were very professional and helpful

    Questions? Let Me Help!

    Maggie Mizell, Interior Designer at Mizell Interiors